Friday, December 11, 2015

PSA Reflection 2

This week we showed our PSA's in English class. Sadly many of them were not shown, I feel that we should've found better ways to market our PSA. Many students had no idea about showing of the PSA. I felt that we should've announced it ahead of time, so that people were aware. Another thing that we should do next time is making sure that the students know theres a competition going on and theres a chance they may win something. Many students weren't too excited about the prizes as well.  For instance, many students wear their See Something, Say Something wristband because they know they might win a Chick Fil A gift card, so I feel if we made the prizes better, I feel that more student would engage and participate. The first PSA had over 100 views but by the end of the week the end of the week, the last two PSA had less than 10 views. So I think we should make links on Schoology to remind teachers to show the PSA's and show students that by liking and leaving a thoughtful comment can better their chances of winning the competition. Making posters around the school will capture many students attention as well.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

PSA Reflection

I learned many things creating our PSA, I learned different techniques when filming. I also learned that every little things counts, from the placement of where the person stands, to make sure the camera captures the right shots and that time is also key. It was exciting to see the end product. After all the work we put into it and seeing how far we've gotten in the past two weeks. But it's also nerve wracking knowing that the whole high school, and possibly the middle school is going to watch our PSA. I also hope that they understand the message were trying to deliver in the PSA. If I can do this PSA over, I would choose to not be in the actual PSA, I realized I'm so worked up on how I look in the film that it's all I see when I watch the PSA. I worried so much about my appearance and it made me not like the PSA due to that factor. I would also try to plan ahead of time and try not to get things done the last minute.    

Sunday, November 22, 2015


This whole week my group worked on our PSA'S at first I felt very discouraged with our topic and I felt it was impossible to create something meaningful. But after getting a chance to sit down and listen to other people's ideas it didn't seem too difficult. After drawing out the story board the concept made sense and I felt like it wasn't that hard at all. We wrote out all of the quotes on  white paper and we started filming. I stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to go ahead and be in the PSA. At first I was a little uncomfortable, but I was okay with it. I was very happy with going outside of my comfort zone and do something, I wouldn't normally do. We also got two more student and Mr. Eastwood in our PSA. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Things I've learned

On Thursday, we had the chance to talk to Kevin Beaty. He had done many great things, which makes him very successful. Which really inspires me to do many of the things he has done. I am planning on making thank you notes to my mentor and everyone who was involved in my passion project. Another thing that made me motivated was how, Kevin did what he loved doing even if it did pay him well. It really shows how much he loves what he does and it's not just for the money. I liked how he keeps his social media up to date, and makes sure to uploads daily on Instagram for his audience. Which makes me want to maybe start a Facebook page, to help my cause. I also learned that college is not going to determine what exactly I'm going to do for the rest of my life. That also most jobs are more concerned about experience than GPA. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Community Ptich Outcome

On Thursday, we had a community pitch. Where we had to present our passion projects to the parents and students, and what our end goal is. So I was pretty excited about that. So we prepared for the community pitch by presenting it amongst one another and I felt pretty confident about my project. I made my title eye catching and a play on words so I called it " A Cause For Paws ". I was surprised with the amount of support I got from many people. Many were very excited and supportive with my project, and we're excited to see the finished product. I was very encouraged by all the nice things people have said about my passion project, it really motivated me to try my best to make the best out of my passion project. So that's my goals, to try my best by raising as u h money possible for the animal shelter.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Cause For Paws

This week I've been planning on exactly where and when I'm going to make a fundraiser. I'm going to make a bake sale sometime this month or next month. I'm also thinking about starting a drive. I went on the Humane Society's website and looked through their wishlist. They needed simple things like paper towels and wipes. Things that I feel are easy to find. So after the conference I felt a lot more confident, with my passion project. Now I know exactly what I'm going to achieve in the next few months. Since next week is the presentation about our passion projects. I'm getting my poster board prepared and I'm getting myself prepared on what I'm going to say and explain why I'm passionate about this project. My plans for the on coming weeks is to try to finalize the bake sale and the drive.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Passion Project Benchmark

This week I have accomplished many things, I found an organization that I would love to help. I found my mentor, who will make sure I am on track. I still haven't started the fundraiser, I am still trying to find where and when exactly I am going to do the fundraiser. But I am getting things sorted it out. It's taking a little longer than I thought but I'm still very excited to get things worked out and get the fundraiser going. I couldn't meet my benchmarks because I tried to see who I can partner up with to make a fundraiser, but many people did not want to partner so I'm still trying to see exactly what I'm going to do. Next week I am going to see the exact date of the fundraiser, and see exact what I'm going to make for my fundraiser. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Will technology connect or conquer us?

Yes, I do feel like that young people today have an unhealthy dependence on technology but it's not only social media. It's also work related things, example being most of our work is online, there are also many schools are taken online, so it's not just Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 
Yes, I do feel like people are communicating less face to face, but more through a screen. Many people feel like it's much easier to talk to someone from a phone than face to face. There are many benefits to using technology, especially being able to communicate with anyone around the world. With that ability we are able to understand and learn from others and see their views, which may be different from our own. Being able to communicate with people worldwide gives us a new perspective, getting the chance to communicate with others and giving us a new way of learning.    

I personally don't represent my authentic self on the on social media for many reasons and I am pretty sure that other people don't represent their authentic self for personal reasons. Many people fake their true identity in fear of people knowing their true identity. There are many people out there that fake their true selves and many people fear to put their information out there.  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Failure is the key to success

This week has changed my view of failure vs success in school and in life in many ways. Firstly I always felt that if I failed a quiz or a test, that my life is ruined. I always felt like a failure, I felt that I wasn't smart and that I will always be a failure. Which I learned this isn't true failing isn't going to ruin your life, and future. Learning from your failures help you succeed and grow.

For example for our passion project, I have had so many failed ideas and after days and weeks of failing to find something I passionate about, I have finally found something thatI am very passionate about. After many bad ideas, I realized that it helped me going through many bad ideas, to finally find the perfect idea. Many people are so afraid to fail, because they think they can't succeeded.  Advice I would give to anyone that has failed and feel that they will always be a failure. You're only human, failing is a part of life. Success is not one goal, success should be continuous. Yes sometimes we fail. But failing can help you grow, and learn from those mistakes.

Growth Mindset means that your intelligence can be developed. That there is space for growth, there is room to learn more. A highschool grading system does this thing where if you failed a course and instead of failing the they put the grade as "Not Yet". It shows that they need improvement in an area. It doesn't mean you're not smart enough to pass this class or course it means that you're not ready to move on to a higher level of that subject just quite yet. It tells the student that they need to work harder, in that subject because they are capable at doing their best.

Monday, September 28, 2015

PD Reflection Blog

On Friday I presented Peardeck to the teachers. It is an interactive anonymous website, that engages students to participate. I chose Peardeck because I personally feel that it is very efficient and it encourages students to voice their own opinion and to see others point of view in things. I think that its an excellent tool, especially for students like me who don't raise their hands to answer questions. 

The fears and concerns I had going through this experience was the actual presentation. I have a very hard time to present in front of people. So it was a bit of a challenge, but once I got up there and presented it wasn't too bad. My main concern is that teachers aren't going to use any of these tools to help engage learning. Some feel that it is a waste of their time, and they want to get over with the lesson as fast as possible. 

My presentation went well, I feel that I helped many teachers to see different tools that will help student enjoy learning. I think that many teachers enjoyed Peardeck. I was surprised to see most teachers were actually participating and enjoying it.

The one thing I would definitely change is to make sure to inform that they don't need to use this tool in every lesson. They can simply use it once in a while, or even during a review. They don't need to feel like they need to use this tool/website everyday. I do though hope they take this as an oppurtunity to spice things up a little, because I do feel like these tools are extremely helpful. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Graphic Design

So I'm starting on my graphic design for the interact club. It's a winter themed design. So I am very excited to start on it. My project is about the Parents Night Out. Things I need to watch out for is to not use copyrighted photos. I am using the app Canva. It has various of choices to choose from. Which is very helpful for me from not using anything that is copyrighted. I want to make the flyer very original and also within the theme. Since I am good at designs and photoshop. I am very confident about this project. So for my flyer I am making my first draft this weekend. So I am have many ideas, for this project so I'm going to try to see exactly what I want to do.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

Passion Project Ideas

A topic I would choose for aa moderate Twitter chat, would be a controversial topic. So theres a topic I found very interesting. Which talks about, if school should have uniforms. I choose this topic because I find this topic very interesting, and I have many points I want to discuss in the chat. What makes Twitter an effective means of communicating with others is that everyone is welcome to join, everyone can voice their own opinion. Twitter is an excellent platform for people to come and chat, and express their opinion.  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Shark Tank Presentation

So after the Shark Tank presentations I realized, my project needed to be more in depth. I need to put more effort into my project. After seeing many passion projects I realized that mine is just an ordinary donation project. I don't want that, so I'm going to find a different project where I can go in depth and try to help, not only help the homeless but try to help the whole community. So I'm going to try to figure out what i want to do.

Monday, August 31, 2015

My Passion Project

For my passion project, I have decided to focus on giving back to my community. For many years now I have made sandwiches for the people at the Urban Ministries. My passion is helping people and giving back to those who are less fortunate. It makes me feel accomplished and satisfied knowing I made someones day. This has given me a new perspective of life, I realized that I complain about many things that people wish they had. Most of the less unfortunate are grateful for being alive and have something to eat. Most people don't realize that they have it much better than most people, and giving back to the community made me realize this. This topic is very important to me because many people do need the extra help and I love helping people in anyway possible. Whether it being donating my clothes or making them food for then to eat. It really puts a smile on my face knowing I did the same to someone else. My goals for this project is to make a clothes drive and any other necessities that are needed. I also want to make a fundraiser to try to raise money for the Urban Ministries to help them get anything they are missing.   

Sunday, August 23, 2015

With Liberty and Equality For All

Things I'm very passionate about is equality for all. The things that breaks my heart about my passion are unequal pay, racism, transphobia, and homophobia. Currently in America women are being paid 77 cents for every dollar men make, for doing the same exact work. This to me seems truly unfair, because many families do depend on the women's salaries. Whats mind-boggling about this is that its 2015, women still aren't considered equal to men. It shows in many ways, in the media, women are treated as objects, sexualizing them. Unlike men, in most cases. Only 95 years ago, women were just allowed to vote. That means, since America was founded, it took them 144 years to finally let women vote. On June 26, 2015 gay marriage was legalized. This shows that America took a step forword and decided that everyone has the right to love and marry, whoever they truly want to.             
Some solutions that can be done, are making awareness, start a campaign, make a fundraiser. Since everyone is mostly online, start a hashtag on many social medias, like Twitter and Instagram. We could also make videos showing our support, and post them on Vine and Youtube.  We can also invest in making t-shirts and bracelets to help gain popularity on the awareness.