Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bake Sale

I am not doing anything fun this weekend, but next week I am having my second bake sale. So this weekend I am going to bake many baked goods, because I am not completely sure if people will bring or bake goods. I am a little stressed about the event but hopefully it will turn out okay. My last bake sale, I raised around $170, which is amazing! So my goal for this bake sale is to raise at least $150.  I originally wanted to raise $500 but I realized that it was unrealistic so my new goal is to raise $300. So hopefully I will be able to reach that goal!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

This week we are learning about rights every human on earth deserves. Sadly in many countries these rights are taken away from them or not given to them. I learned a lot of different rights and some made me realize how lucky I am and to not take things for granted. Article 1 explains that All human beings are born free and equal  in dignity and rights. In many developing countries women are not treated fairly just because of their gender. In some places women are not considered equal to men. Another right is No one shall be subjected to  torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.  There are any countries that allow this treatment to people. Some countries like Pakistan for example allow honorable death, where a father,uncle,or brother can kill a female family member for misbehaving or shaming them. Article 18 states, Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or  belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest  his religion or belief  in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Also article 19 states Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.   In America we are allowed to speak ur mind. We are not punished for stating our opinions, some ban freedom of speech and people can be be punished for speaking their mind.   

Friday, February 26, 2016

The World of 7 Billion Video Project

For the last couple days I have been working on The World of 7 Billion Video Project. I learned many different techniques. I don't think I would change anything about my final product, I feel I did the best I could and I am very happy with the final product. I used YouTube editor and it made this video project look professional. The World of 7 Billion Video Project This project was very time consuming and with a tight timeline it was very stressful but I am still very happy with the final product. I liked working by myself to see what I am capable of doing without anyones help.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Service via video project

Today my group and I are going to the animal shelter. At 11:00 to 12:00. We are going to interview Kenny and possibly Trey. We are also going to take some B-roll footage of the animals. Were also going to try to capture anything else in the animal shelter that we would possibly need for the Service Via Video project. This would be our second time visiting the animal shelter and it's pretty small, so I hope this video will help advertise the animal shelter. Working on many video production project, I feel that I am more competent. Doing many different videos learning different techniques. We read a book 'Interview an expert' by: Don Goble, He gave great tips on how to conduct an interview. In class we also practiced how to properly interview someone, and what to do and not to do. I feel that the product is more important because thats what people are going to see. The end product is what we're putting out there for everyone to see. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Service Video Project

For the upcoming Service Via Video Project, I have many different ideas that I would love to incorporate in the video. We visited the Animal shelter of Cornelius yesterday on our field trip, sadly due to a family emergency I was not able to see exactly what they were looking for in the video. I learned a lot while visiting the animal shelter. They take great care of the animals and make sure that they that the animals are treated with care and they also let them outside multiple times a day, so that the animals can socialize with one another. Another thing I greatly appreciate is how they will do whatever it takes from not taking euthanizing the animals. They explained if things get serious they will send them to the Humane  Society in Charlotte because they have better experience and training with these animals. The only time they will euthanize them if its putting people in danger or if it's lifethreatening. 

So hopefully on Monday I will contact them and get a further understanding of what they're looking for. I am not sure if they want the video to be an advertisement or if they want the video to be interview driven, explaining the animal shelter. Or if they are in need if they volunteers. So on Monday my group and I will be contacting our client and understanding what exactly they're looking for.