Sunday, October 25, 2015

Passion Project Benchmark

This week I have accomplished many things, I found an organization that I would love to help. I found my mentor, who will make sure I am on track. I still haven't started the fundraiser, I am still trying to find where and when exactly I am going to do the fundraiser. But I am getting things sorted it out. It's taking a little longer than I thought but I'm still very excited to get things worked out and get the fundraiser going. I couldn't meet my benchmarks because I tried to see who I can partner up with to make a fundraiser, but many people did not want to partner so I'm still trying to see exactly what I'm going to do. Next week I am going to see the exact date of the fundraiser, and see exact what I'm going to make for my fundraiser. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Will technology connect or conquer us?

Yes, I do feel like that young people today have an unhealthy dependence on technology but it's not only social media. It's also work related things, example being most of our work is online, there are also many schools are taken online, so it's not just Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 
Yes, I do feel like people are communicating less face to face, but more through a screen. Many people feel like it's much easier to talk to someone from a phone than face to face. There are many benefits to using technology, especially being able to communicate with anyone around the world. With that ability we are able to understand and learn from others and see their views, which may be different from our own. Being able to communicate with people worldwide gives us a new perspective, getting the chance to communicate with others and giving us a new way of learning.    

I personally don't represent my authentic self on the on social media for many reasons and I am pretty sure that other people don't represent their authentic self for personal reasons. Many people fake their true identity in fear of people knowing their true identity. There are many people out there that fake their true selves and many people fear to put their information out there.  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Failure is the key to success

This week has changed my view of failure vs success in school and in life in many ways. Firstly I always felt that if I failed a quiz or a test, that my life is ruined. I always felt like a failure, I felt that I wasn't smart and that I will always be a failure. Which I learned this isn't true failing isn't going to ruin your life, and future. Learning from your failures help you succeed and grow.

For example for our passion project, I have had so many failed ideas and after days and weeks of failing to find something I passionate about, I have finally found something thatI am very passionate about. After many bad ideas, I realized that it helped me going through many bad ideas, to finally find the perfect idea. Many people are so afraid to fail, because they think they can't succeeded.  Advice I would give to anyone that has failed and feel that they will always be a failure. You're only human, failing is a part of life. Success is not one goal, success should be continuous. Yes sometimes we fail. But failing can help you grow, and learn from those mistakes.

Growth Mindset means that your intelligence can be developed. That there is space for growth, there is room to learn more. A highschool grading system does this thing where if you failed a course and instead of failing the they put the grade as "Not Yet". It shows that they need improvement in an area. It doesn't mean you're not smart enough to pass this class or course it means that you're not ready to move on to a higher level of that subject just quite yet. It tells the student that they need to work harder, in that subject because they are capable at doing their best.